My Services


Total Support - 3 months Private Coaching

This option is best suited for a person who has unresolved health issues, chronic conditions or multiple symptoms and diagnosis who needs long term support and accountability.

What’s included:

  • initial 90 minutes phone or online consultation with the client

  • ongoing 6 (45 minutes) phone or online consultations with the client

  • extensive food, lifestyle and wellness analysis and review with the client

  • unlimited 3 months email support and access to me via Voxer (voice messaging app)

  • written recommendations and resources to help the client reach the goals


One-time payment of $1,700 or

3 payments of $600


One-time Personal Coaching

This option is for a person who would like an extensive lifestyle review without long term support.

What’s included:

  • one-hour phone or online consultations with the client

  • extensive food, lifestyle and wellness analysis and review with the client

  • written recommendations and resources to help the client reach the goals

  • one-week support via email or Voxer


One-time payment of $300