
Hello! I’m Kinga Zerhouni,

For years, I told myself that feeling tired was a normal part of being a mom.

I struggled with burnout and physical exhaustion to the point it affected my health.

That’s when I said ENOUGH!

I hope my story will inspire you to take charge of your health, so you can thrive in your life.


I always considered myself an independent and career-driven woman. Building my career and moving up the corporate ladder was something that I wanted.

I spent six years doing just that, moving from a junior accountant to a management position in Corporate America. I was dedicated to my work and performing at my highest level. Sure, it was stressful but rewarding at the same time, and I always took time for self-care. I ate healthily and exercised regularly. I felt like I had my life under control. 

But my story took an unexpected turn that changed everything.

I experienced a significant shift after the birth of my first son. Many different emotions overtook me. I had a deep love for this tiny human being, and motherhood felt like the best thing in the world.

I remember coming home from work after missing my son all day long. I could not wait to hold him in my arms. Those nights where I would sit in his room and rock him to sleep were the best moments of my day. His room felt warm and cozy, filled with a soft light coming from the nightstand lamp. He would peacefully fall asleep while the lullaby songs were playing in the background. Going back to work the next day wasn’t easy because I wanted to be with him.

The year my son was born, we moved to another state. I have to say it was a very exciting and stressful time in my life. Having a new baby, leaving my job, my friends and the place I called home for 11 years was very emotional. And yes, it wasn’t the first time I made the big decision to move. Eleven years earlier, I relocated from Poland to the United States.

I worked only briefly after the move and decided to focus on my family for the time being.

The decision to put my career on hold wasn’t easy, and it affected me profoundly. It took me a couple of years to fully come to terms with it. It was hard to hear my friends moving in their careers while I was at home.

I struggled to balance my desire to spend time with my son and to have a fulfilling professional life.

Things got even worse after having two more kids.

I found myself feeling more and more overwhelmed. It was especially true when my third baby was born.

By then, I was a mom with a newborn, a toddler, and a preschooler. Sleepless nights filled with nighttime nursing and exhausting days took a toll on my health. All day long, I was focused on changing diapers, cooking, feeding my family, and trying to catch up on the laundry. I didn’t have time for myself. What’s worse, I felt guilty for taking time for self-care because of the never-ending to-do list.

I was always tired, started experiencing mood swings and severe brain fog to the point I couldn’t recall conversations with people. I was overwhelmed and burnout. I felt like I was becoming a different person.

I remember thinking to myself how I could ever go back to work and handle my job, the kids, and everyday responsibilities. 

I felt like I was failing myself and my family because I couldn’t keep up.

Not only my emotional and mental health was affected, but also my physical health started to deteriorate. I have developed severe eczema. My hair was falling out. I was experiencing hormonal imbalances, and I have developed an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s.

I felt like my whole body was falling apart, and I couldn’t get any help from my doctors. The idea of taking steroids and synthetic hormones recommended by my physicians did not sit well with me.

I was wondering what was at the root of all these symptoms that I was experiencing.

I knew deep down that the lack of sleep and exhaustion have led to my health problems, but the doctors did not listen to my concerns. They focused only on managing my symptoms.

Finally, I decided to take charge of my life and my health.

I started doing research, spending long hours on the internet looking for answers. I have experimented with different approaches and theories to reverse my mental and physical symptoms.

In the process, I’ve learned to listen to my body.

I completely changed the way I ate to be more appropriate for me. As a result, I quickly noticed improvements in my eczema. I was also working on my sleep and putting more emphasis on self-care. After a while, my brain fog improved, and I regained some sense of calm. I felt more energetic and in control of my health. 

My journey to more optimal health has been long, but I’ve learned to appreciate my body and follow my intuition. Along the way, I have found great holistic practitioners that have helped me bring my body back to balance.



I also discovered my new mission in life. I wanted to empower women to take charge of their health. So, I went back to school and became a functional health coach. 

Today, I teach other women how to listen to their bodies and look for the root causes of their health symptoms. I want moms to feel their best as they juggle their professional and family lives.

You might be just starting your health journey, or you have been on it for quite some time. Don’t give up.

If you are ready to take charge of your health, regain energy and mental clarity, contact me for a free “Feel Vibrant” discovery session.



professional bio

Kinga Zerhouni is a Certified Functional Health Coach helping women reverse the effects of burnout and chronic stress on their bodies by following simple lifestyle changes designed to re-energize the body and mind.

After struggling with chronic low energy, skin, and hormonal issues, she learned that her lifestyle was at the root of her health problems.

She knew she needed to share her discovery with others, and her business was born.

Kinga wants to empower women to take charge of their health and start living healthier lifestyles.

Kinga is the Executive Contributor to the Brainz Magazine and is featured on the Brainz CREA Global Awards List 2021.