Foggy Brain? Uncover the Reasons and Solutions for Busy Moms
Kinga Zerhouni Kinga Zerhouni

Foggy Brain? Uncover the Reasons and Solutions for Busy Moms

A foggy brain isn’t just forgetfulness—it’s a sign your body is out of balance. 

If you've caught yourself wondering, "Why does my mind feel foggy?" you're not alone. As a busy mom juggling packed lunch boxes, forgotten soccer cleats, and that important work presentation, it's easy to dismiss this foggy brain feeling as just another part of the chaos.

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The 5 Powerful Ways to Reduce Stress Bloating
Kinga Zerhouni Kinga Zerhouni

The 5 Powerful Ways to Reduce Stress Bloating

Are you a woman who carries her stress in her gut? Your stomach gets hard and bloated when you are stressed. You find yourself worried about it and thinking about it constantly. You end up even more bloated from your stress bloat. It feels like a never-ending cycle. You are frustrated because your clothes don't fit well. You feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. The good news is you can do something about it.

Follow my five steps to relieve stress bloating.

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The 3 Myths About Mom Burnout
Kinga Zerhouni Kinga Zerhouni

The 3 Myths About Mom Burnout

If you are a working mom, you know burnout very well. Pushing through stress is part of your normal day. Despite the working mom burnout epidemic, there are many misconceptions about this condition. Learn the three most common myths.

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5 Unexpected Long Term Effects of Stress on Women
Kinga Zerhouni Kinga Zerhouni

5 Unexpected Long Term Effects of Stress on Women

As a working mom balancing work and family life can be exhausting and stressful. We know that too much stress can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression. However, women may also experience other physical symptoms normally not associated with stress. Discover five unexpected effects stress can have on women.

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